Tired of not finding what you're looking for?
This matchmaking service is for single women who are looking for their life partner for a one-sided open relationship where they both love it that way. It is not for couples, bulls, or poly folks.
Before Venus Connections, online dating in the cuckolding lifestyle used to be unpleasant at the best and often times downright dangerous for women. Not to mention all of your time that would get wasted sifting through blank profiles and trying to identify the real ones from the fakes. It was exhausting and just not sustainable!
All of those problems are gone now. As a women's Basic member in Venus Connections you have a team of professionals who do the searching for you – no need to deal with any of the usual online stress, just sit back and relax, we do the work for you!
And our intake process ensures the men in Venus Connections are serious and ready for a real loving relationship. No porn-frenzied fantasy-focused men to deal with anymore!
And best of all, there is no scrolling through profiles or sharing information between members - it's totally private! All of the matching is done behind the scenes and all of the virtual dates are blind dates.
It's Your Time
This membership is for distinguished women who are attractive, enjoy putting effort into their appearance, and love feeling sexy and desired.
Unlike all of the other memberships we offer, this allows you to be matched with the gentlemen in the 1% Club.
These gentlemen tend to be career driven (minimum income of $150,000 USD per year), refined and stylish, and outgoing with excellent communications skills. They prefer the finer things in life and enjoy being active and staying in shape. These gentlemen seek the most desired women who enjoy looking great - some might even say...the "trophy wife" type!
This is the only membership that gives you the ability to state your preferences for matches based on body type, height, race, income, religious affiliation, and experience.
Ultra discreet intake (optional). No need to worry about data breaches or site hacks. All data gathered from you will be recorded by hand, by Venus, in your Zoom interview.
Skip the line and be eligible for matches sooner than everyone else - intake time is a few days from sign up.
The full educational program for women with extended time allowance to work through it.
A private one hour interview with Venus at a time which works for your schedule
A 45 minute private video chat with Venus every 3 months (optional).

3 Easy Steps
1. Fill out the Questionnaire
2. Complete the Educational Program. You have up to 3 weeks however most people finish in a day or two.
3. Have your interview with Venus
Then start getting matched!

Please note: Venus Connections is not accepting married folks, poly folks, or couples looking for bulls. Members must be single, unattached, and not in a relationship.
What if I want to only date wealthy muscular men?
Are matches guaranteed?
Can I find someone in my city?
I'm currently in a relationship with someone or separated. Can I still join your service?
Can I date outside of the program at the same time as being a Venus Connections member?